Nollywood Actress Bleached Skin – Most Nigerian Men Love Lightskin

Top Nigerian Nollywood actress Susan Maxwell has admitted to bleaching skin because she claims :”80% of Nigerian men love light skin.”

The Nigerian actress made her debut with the popular film Isawuru and she has been unstoppable ever since.

The actress who is also into skincare, gave an interview with PlaygroundTV, and she addressed why she decided to bleach her skin, and why she claims Nigerian men prefer light-skinned women.

Here are the excerpts:

They say “Black is beautiful” is that statement overrated?

Most of my clients are above 18, and if they want to be white, I give them what they want.

Black is beautiful, but I have no qualms with enhancing your complexion.

80% of Nigerian men want their women to be fair. They want a lady that draws attention to them.

I’ve worked with many married women who complain of their men staring at fair women and they say to me, “Susan, make me fair, I want to be attractive to my man!”

Some women have said their sons want them to visit their schools because they want to show off their fair mother.

Clients all over the world have asked for my products. Black is beautiful but there is nothing wrong with enhancing your complexion.


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